Season 3: Formula 6 How prohibition’s war on alcohol went so far off the rails the government poisoned its own people

This is the story of Prohibition you haven’t heard. Sure, Prohibition was a gigantic SNAFU to begin with. But it turns out Prohibition was actually darker than any of us could have imagined. Flappers and jazz? Not the full picture.


We follow an unlikely pair of sleuths trying to uncover what was behind a mass wave of deadly poisonings that killed thousands of people during Prohibition. Why were so many people dying when they imbibed? And what do gun-slinging Prohibition agents, Washington politicians, and a raging culture war have to do with it? Find out on SNAFU Season 3: Formula 6.

More Coming Soon

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Season 1

CATCH UP ON S1: ABLE ARCHER 83. The NATO military exercise that almost started a real nuclear war.

Early ’80s American pop culture was quite literally exploding with nuclear doom. But was a real crisis unfolding right under our noses? One dauntless sleuth grows determined to get to the bottom of a decades-old Cold War mystery: Able Archer 83.